Aileen Across the Balkans
Aileen Silvestris (the Moto Quest) seems to be in a state of perpetual travel. Her hair oscillates between fire engine red, auburn, and most recently easter egg pink. She is the kind of woman who can walk into a tattoo parlour looking for directions and come out with new ink.
The first Friday in August saw me stuck in a traffic jam and headed towards Wales with my best friend and über-petrolette Robin, wondering if a women’s only motorcycle festival that had organically evolved in the sun-baked Californian desert could be picked up and successfully placed in the verdant hills of South Wales. The simple answer is yes!
A thrifty Doll, fashionista Nina is renowned for her ability to hunt out a stylish bargain, whether online or at a charity shop. Nina makes the vintage look her own by customizing the items she finds, as is seen here with her folded down boots. Her helmet is an open faced Bell and she is riding a Yamaha SR400.
Paging Dr. Motorcycle
Damsels in distress? No way! Move over Prince Charming, and hand us your wrench while you’re at it. Here a few simple tips when it comes to knowing the basics on how to service your bike, courtesy of Rising Sun Workshop's co-founder Adrian Sheather.
If it Doesn’t Run, Doesn’t Matter How Pretty it is
The Scarlet Headers founder Shelby Rossi noticed within the group there was a clear want to expand the intent behind their regular get togethers from planning their rides to learning more about motorcycles. Therefore, Shelby and the Headers are now using a Honda CL project build to build their knowledge on motorcycles, together and will be sharing their lessons here for others to learn with them.
Adventurous in life as well as in fashion, Kinga shows us her street style, a departure from her off-road gear as seen in the Petrolette feature. Kinga’s look here oozes rockstar, with her leather look Sass & Bide jeans and perfectly worn in boots being nicely set off by the star features on her Icon riding jacket.