Buying a motorcycle helmet isn’t an easy task any day of the week. It's illegal to ride without one and, of course, your ego will creep in demanding you look half decent. In addition, when you start out, you’ll be lumped with specs which mean nothing to you yet and “helpful” advice from everyone who walks through the bike store. Result? One helluva confused and bewildered new rider.

Snow White
Why do we perceive that any woman who represents a male dominated community, is simply seen as a hired pacifier rather than an integral part? After being nicknamed "Snow White" I ask myself who are the seven dwarves I represent and why is there so much judgement targeted at us motorcyclists and Petrolettes?

We Are The Earharts
I had grown up idolizing women, like Amelia [Earhart], that had infiltrated male-dominated fields, all while preserving their femininity. She was a pilot, a record-breaker, a fashion designer, an author, and much much more. But little did I know that the concept was groundbreaking in itself in context of our society. I just thought they were rad people doing rad things, and it was even cooler that they looked like me. I grew to aspire to be just like them.

A friend recently tagged IVV in Prada's latest campaign promoting their iconic Galleria bag, and it sent me down a rabbit hole of luxury and fantasy as only will happen with one of the biggest luxury fashion houses teams up with photographer and director Autumn de Wilde ... AND throws in a Triumph cafe racer and Bell Bullitt in the mix.

Lessons I’ve Learned from a Father who Loves Motorcycles
For those of us who lived an observed life, we often draw many lessons from life on the road into life in general. IVV picked up this great article by Kristen Lassen who shares four essential motorcycling tips from her military father, beautifully laced into larger life lessons found by a girl navigating her way through life while strengthening a relationship with her hero.

Finding Mr or Mrs Right
Yep, it’s got to be up there with one of the most important relationships in your life. Partner, Family, Bestie… Mechanic? But how do you know if you’re onto a good thing or being played? Luckily for us, Adrian from the Rising Sun Workshop is on hand to help us out.

An Alternator Motive
Living in suburban Sydney, while on the surface it looks a lot like most middle-class suburbs, what's unseen is the village system we operate in, governed largely by older generations of immigrant Greeks. I love this system and I hate it. Recently I was reminded of this conundrum when the alternator on 'Sophia' (my 1971 Mercedes-Benz 230) stopped powering most of the electrics. Instead of booking it into an auto electrician who specialises in this kinda of fix, the village stepped in...

Suffering for our shoes might sometimes be what we do as women, but have you ever considered that when it comes to motorcycle riding, your shoes are suffering for you? Research from the US shows that a whopping 30% of non-fatal motorcycle injuries happen to the legs and feet*. That means your shoe selection plays a key role in your decision making when it comes to wearing protective gear.

Midwives for Haiti are not only supporting women in the earthquake devastated country but maintaining natural delivery and the wonderful care that midwives offer. Rotary International donated a fully equipped medical Jeep (in pink) as a mobile clinic to allow MFH to reach more remote locations for pre and post natal care. Check out this great short film about this important service.

As an architect, I often get caught in conversations where I’m pegged as the “designer” who knows nothing about engineering, budgeting, building and lets not forget how we destroy the planet. At one level, being a designer is revered but in the industry I work in, it seems us “designers” are just flamboyant artists who get in the way. Hence I looked to the man behind my Mercedes-Benz 230 for inspiration...

We’ve all been in those situations where we either try sound like we know-our-shit or default to playing dumb. Entering the gasoline scene can be daunting, especially if you haven't got a knowledgable friend to navigate conversations with. However the ego that surrounds gasoline culture is problematic for community building.

The [Real] Freedom Machine
The real story behind the portrait series of Petrolettes, and if I’m honest the real intention behind In Venus Veritas, is the showcase of courage. Any woman who steps into a world that clearly is more appealing (and therefore popular) amongst the opposite sex, who listens to that little voice in their heads that says “go for it” or more importantly ignores the one that says “don’t”, has got a story to share.
![The [Real] Freedom Machine](